Top 7 Reasons Libraries Are Good for Your Mental Health! [WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2020]

By some good fortune, I found myself working in a library. I didn't know librarians needed a degree in Library Science. I just thought anyone who liked to read could be a librarian and they can, but it is a bit more involved! 

A compassionate reference librarian told me the deal. She...

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Back to School & Feeling Focused & Calm (at least that's the goal!)

Even if you are not a teacher or a parent, you still can feel a back-to-school kind of energy in the air.  Everyone seems to be running around trying to settle back into the routine of learning and more structured days. 

If you are looking for quick ways to stay calm, focused,...

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How to Find your “Peaceful Place” by Trying Something Challenging: Yoga on a Paddleboard

As a creative person with a busy life, where do you go to relax, unwind, and let ideas flow?

Practicing yoga on a paddleboard in the middle of the Long Island Sound is how my friend Michelle does it.  It’s one thing for most of us just not fall off the board into the water, but...

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