What happens when you hold a rock in your hand? Go ahead, look around your house and pluck a rock out of a flower pot or decorative jar. No rock? Take a walk in the park and choose your pick!
Hold it. I’m not talking a fancy crystal, just a plain rock, so don't go nuts.
Whenever I...
Finally, the weather cooperated and New Yorkers were able to get outdoors and not get soaked. We've had many weeks of rain on the weekends so whenever the sun appears, we go to mountains, beaches and parks and welcome the warmth.
We go to the trees.
Weekends indoors were...
If you have ever visited or lived near a river, lake or marsh on North America, you have seen herons. With snaking necks that snap up prey, you never know when they will strike. All the while they manage to look so graceful and calm.
Most of their time is spent waiting. They...
Who was the best writing teacher you ever had? What did they do to inspire you and get your thoughts onto the page?
A classroom community can elevate your thoughts, synchronize ideas, and produce profound writing. As educators, we have to work hard to NOT interject what we think....