Sit, Write, and Move: Using Writing Yoga® to Shape a Happier 2025!

Happy New Year! Does it feel like the beginning of something fabulous? Hope so!

For the school administrators, teachers, and librarians I work with, the New Year doesn’t always mean a fresh start; it often means diving back into the whirlwind of lesson plans, scheduling (all those...

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3 Ways Writing Yoga® and Water Can Help You Move Through Your Day With Ease

How do you get through the day? With effort or with ease? Of course, it takes effort to complete all the difficult tasks and challenges that you have each and every day, but it doesn't have to feel that way. It doesn't have to feel overwhelming, stressful, chaotic, like you're just playing catch...

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Letting Go When You Lose Something Irreplaceable [WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2019]

For much of history, it has been tradition to burn journals of loved ones when they pass over to the other side. I would like that to happen with mine please. But what if you didn't have a choice?

I recently saw Eileen Myles speak about having their journals housed in the archives of Yale...

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