Happy New Year! Does it feel like the beginning of something fabulous? Hope so!
For the school administrators, teachers, and librarians I work with, the New Year doesn’t always mean a fresh start; it often means diving back into the whirlwind of lesson plans, scheduling (all those...
We are not on summer break anymore! It's officially fall. so how do you keep the vacation feeling alive? How are you going to manage all the stresses of the day when you can't be on a retreat?
Here are 5 habits that definitely help:
Habit #1 To Keep Vacation Benefits Alive: Be Early
Give me a beach. Find me a corner in the reading room. I know, I know, not everyone likes a beach. Some people can't stand the stillness of a library. That's okay, we all have destinations we love and ones we avoid but if you ever spent time watching sea birds wade, you know...