Happy New Year! Does it feel like the beginning of something fabulous? Hope so!
For the school administrators, teachers, and librarians I work with, the New Year doesn’t always mean a fresh start; it often means diving back into the whirlwind of lesson plans, scheduling (all those...
How do you get through the day? With effort or with ease? Of course, it takes effort to complete all the difficult tasks and challenges that you have each and every day, but it doesn't have to feel that way. It doesn't have to feel overwhelming, stressful, chaotic, like you're just playing catch...
Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? Or do you ALWAYS feel there aren't enough hours in the day. If time is a human construct, can we find better ways to shape our days?
Over the years I have tried a lot of different planning systems. As a librarian, organization is...
As the New Year approaches, we often feel pressure to add more. More tasks, goals, habits, and achievements. But what if, instead of piling on, we focused on subtraction goals? Rather than creating elaborate to-do lists or ambitious resolutions, consider the power of letting go. Subtraction goals...
Last week we wore winter boots. Today, I jumped in my 10 foot wide pool. Good thing I didn't close it early.
Over the weekend, there was a street fair that had not been held in years due to weather and well, the pandemic. You saw everything from ski jackets to tank tops and no one really got it...