Is it Time to Change Your Perspective? Hang Upside Down! [WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2016]

Aug 09, 2023

Wait, you want me to hang upside down?  Hear me out, there are many ways we can change our orientation on the planet without going to the monkey bars. Yesterday, I did a simple forward fold, my feet were wide apart, my hands supported my weight on the ground and I noticed three things: 1) My head felt empty and free 2) My body felt calm and 3) My studio looked a lot better and cleaner upside down. 

So next time you are in an inverted yoga pose, pay attention to what you see, think and feel. What does a new perspective reveal for you?  

WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2016: It's All About Perspective

Lumi Sit:  Get a New Perspective

Walk around your home or neighborhood as if you were a stranger.  Look at each object one at a time. What do you notice? Yesterday, I walked around my house seeing the rooms from upside down. Every single room looked nicer. I am sure there’s a scientific reason for this because when we are stuck in the familiar we can’t see our way to make a change. Take time to walk slowly in your environment for about 5-10 minutes. Breathe deeply. Pick a quiet time of day when you won't get funny looks from the neighbors. 

Lumi Move:  Look Upside Down

Downward dog, forward folds, even reclining in a chair with your head leaning back will give you a new perspective. Today practice your favorite inversion and notice changes in your mind, body and attitude. I use forward folds with kids because it really helps to calm the energy in the room. It is also great for reducing anxiety any time of day!  Choose one pose to work with for 5 deep breaths.  Take your time to come up so you don't get lightheaded. 

Lumi Write: What's Gotta Change? 

After you have completed your mindful walk (this week's Lumi Sit) and practiced one "Upside down pose" you may be feeling and noticing some changes in your perspective. This can be challenging. That little voice inside us tells us what we see for better or for worse. Don't judge what you see. Write your truth. When we write, speak and live our truth, new opportunities have a way of presenting themselves to us. 

Best of luck on your new perspective! Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. 

- Stef 

The "Lumi" activities, Lumi Sit, Lumi Write and Lumi Move are at the core of the Writing Yoga® Method to help you feel luminous. Seeking to create a calmer, more compassionate & creative life at home or in your school or office?  Book a free consultation to learn more about workplace retreats and professional development.  Join the Course to Feel Calm and Write! For more activities and resources, please go to