Feel Luminous #MondayMotivation #Inspiration

Reinventing Mondays: Do One Thing Today that Makes You Feel Luminous

#inspiration #luminous #mondaymotivation #socialemotionallearning #teachers Dec 13, 2021

What would happen if you decided today would be amazing?  Ditch the long lists, struggles, “I should….” or “someday I will…”

Just do an activity you love and do it today.

Maybe it’s dinner with friends or family. Maybe it is writing one paragraph of your novel or dancing to a favorite song. It could be a walk in the sun on your lunch break or a simple act of kindness. Is there one thing that you can do today that would make you feel luminous?

Reinvent your Monday by meeting all expectations at home and at work, while finding a sense of excitement because you will also do something that feels inspiring.  

What’s your one thing?  Make it easy, make it fun, and make sure you do it!