New York City Skyline

What Happened on the Roof? [Writing-Yoga Writing Prompt #223]

how to write poetry rooftops writing about rooftops writing ideas writing prompt Dec 20, 2018

While standing on a line to a midtown diner in New York City (don't ask), I overheard a visitor from the South say, “Imagine if this was always your view of the sky?” She looked up, tried to find the horizon, but without it, she felt lost.  And I felt like I had been missing something my entire life. 

Maybe this is the reason we seek rooftops. That extra bit of sky, horizon, and light makes us feel a little less bemused.

A rooftop view is powerful. You are above it all. The worries are down below.

A rooftop is an ending. It is completion. It is the furthest a human can go in any one particular space of land before meeting the stars.

When was the last time you climbed up to the roof? Were you a teenager sitting on the shingles of a friend’s house? Did you race to the top of an abandoned building? Were you drinking a martini at a swanky rooftop bar?

How does it feel to be on top of the world? What discoveries can be made when it’s just you and the stars? This week, write about a rooftop adventure (or about anything you once climbed such as a tree or a mountain). What did you learn up there? How long did you stay up above the earth? Were you filled with fear and in a rush to come down or did you want to stay that tall and powerful forever?

I am so curious about your rooftop story. Be brave and share.