Tend to the Roots [Writing Yoga® Prompt #2022: The Opportunities of Unseen Action]

#mindfulness #poetry #writingyoga journal writing nature writing project planning trees writingyoga Oct 25, 2023

Finally, the weather cooperated and New Yorkers were able to get outdoors and not get soaked. We've had many weeks of rain on the weekends so whenever the sun appears, we go to mountains, beaches and parks and welcome the warmth. 

We go to the trees. 

Weekends indoors were "productive" for us. We could catch up on reading, laundry, and cleaning out the garage. We could reconnect with creative projects: write, paint and slowly cook a meal. 

I made a tree: https://linktr.ee/stefaniemaura

The Bryant Library in Roslyn, NY planted a Linktr.ee recently and introduced me to online silviculture. Share your tree with me if you have one! 

Anyway, thinking of trees, which I do a lot, my attention goes to the roots. They grow in winter when the trees are bare. They live under our schools and houses. They do the unseen work. 

This week's prompt is all about the roots. 

WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2022: The Opportunities of Rooting

Do you ever feel like you are not getting visible results at something you have been working on for a long time? Roots are a great metaphor for a project you are working on that has a lot of "behind the scene" work. Trees grow slowly! So do roots. 

This time of year is a good time to do the slow work and honor yourself for rooting. 

WRITING PROMPT: Look at a picture of roots or draw one yourself. What do you notice?  To get started, make a list of everything the roots and trees bring to your mind. List memories and ideas. Circle three concepts or images.  Choose one and write about something you would like to take root this fall. What lessons can you get from the tree and its roots?  Notice how you feel when you are done writing and take 5 minutes to write about that too. 

Seeking to create a calmer, more compassionate & creative life at home, school or in the office? Book a free consultation to learn more about workplace retreats and professional development. Join the Course for Educators to Start 2024 feeling Creative and Calm!

For more activities and resources, please go to www.WritingYoga.com.