chart 12 ways to feel luminous

12 Ways to Get Luminous! [WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2017]

#backtoschool #breathe #calm #kindness #mindfulness #motivation #selfcare #write #writingprompt #writingyoga Aug 30, 2023

What does it mean to live a luminous life? This question has been tossing around my mind for many years. Being luminous is a state of being, a way of life, philosophy, health care routine, presentation powerhouse, parenting energizer, and teacher motivator. It also can put us on the fast track to healing.

When the days get shorter, it is more important than ever to be in touch with our inner light. Think about the things you love to do and make sure to schedule time to make it happen. If you are short on time and money (and who isn't these days?), make a plan and put a date on the calendar.  Having something luminous to look forward to can be a game changer. 

WRITING YOGA® PROMPT #2017: What is one simple thing you will do today to feel luminous?

Choose an activity from the diagram (breathe, dance, be kind etc). Go do it! Write about how you felt before you started and how you felt afterwards. What shifted? Write in your journal for at least 5 minutes. There's a new way to share here on the blog so let us know what you think! 

Seeking to create a calmer, more compassionate & creative life at home, school or in the office?  Book a free consultation to learn more about workplace retreats and professional development.  Join the Course to Feel Calm and Write! For more activities and resources, please go to