What do You Gain from Subtraction Goals? 2024 Writing Prompts from Writing Yoga®

#mindfulness #sitwritemove #writingyoga new year goals peace writing writing prompts Jan 03, 2024

This year, I am taking something away.  Let's call them subtraction goals. 

Rather than adding new tasks, a weight loss regimen or a grand wealth building plan, what if you took something away this year?

Try out these questions with me as you start 2024:

Can I subtract an old story that has been defining my identity?

Can I subtract the need to strive for goals that no longer reflect my values?

Can I subtract any judgement, biases or preconceptions?

Can I subtract feelings of lack and striving and become comfortable with a state of presence?

Can I subtract the need to be right?

This year is a good one to focus on dreams, work toward peace, and dive deeper into ways our small voices can make the world a more compassionate place.

What will you gain by taking something away? 

Let go & let me know how it goes!  

Remember to sit, write & move each day for a calm, creative & more compassionate life. 

Book a free consultation to learn more about workplace retreats and professional development.

For more activities and resources, please go to www.WritingYoga.com

Copyright © 2024 Stefanie Maura, All rights reserved.