How to Stay Calm this Holiday Season and Start the New Year with Confidence! A Video from the Writing Yoga® Lab [Prompt #2023]

#calm #creativity #holidaystress #inspiration for teachers new year goals parenting self-care Dec 24, 2023

Holidays are fun, but can be seriously stressful. There is so much that we can't control, but we can control our mindset, our minutes, and our energy. By focusing on the people and things that matter most, and by honoring what we are good at doing, we can live a life that is calm, creative and compassionate. It happens bit by bit and it takes practice, but it can be done. 

Did you ever notice that when you are relaxed, ideas flow and it's easier to focus? Did you ever notice that when you are feeling confident, your body seems strong and energized? 

What I know to be true is that when we Sit, Write, and Move, each and every day, magical things can happen.

I have been sharing this mantra with my students since 2007 and it goes like this: Sit, Write and Move to SWiM through your day feeling calm, creative and compassionate.  Take it 5 minutes at a time, each day at a time.

When you combine certain poses, writing prompts and seated relaxation activities, SWiMing can be very powerful. Watch the video to see how this week's Writing Yoga® exercises can help you have a more confident and calm holiday. 

Wishing you a very happy & healthy 2024! - Stef

Video on YouTube

Seeking to create a calmer, more compassionate & creative life at home, school or in the office? Book a free consultation to learn more about workplace retreats and professional development.

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